Spring New Beginnings

Birds are singing, trees are budding, and daffodils are blooming – spring has sprung!  As earth rejuvenates itself this time of year, we often feel inspired to do the same.  We find ourselves openings windows, cleaning out closets and even detoxifying our bodies.

Just as spring is a time of new birth for plants and animals, it can also be the time for the start of a new plan, a new you, a new beginning.  Spring is our opportunity each year to begin again — it is the season of new beginnings.

In many countries, the spring equinox is considered a holiday and celebrated.  Some cultures celebrated spring as the beginning of planting season.  For my spring celebration this year, I created my first vision board.  It is a collage with images and words from magazines that represent my goals and New Beginning.  It was an inspiring activity – highly recommended!
Here are some ideas for New Beginnings you can explore this spring:

5 New Beginnings for Spring

1.  Awaken – “get out and play”— time to get outside and find movement again after a winter hibernation – go for a walk.
2.  Think Green – as the earth greens up this spring, follow it’s lead by adding more greens to your diet (think kale, lettuce, spinach).
3.  Spring Clean – nothing compares to the feeling of a good decluttering – clean out your closets, and donate things you no longer need.
4. Plant a Seed – gardening is peaceful and fulfilling — it serves many purposes: food and nourishment (think home grown tomatoes), beneficial for the environment, great exercise, and wonderfully therapeutic – go ahead and play in the dirt – you know you want to!
5. Inspire – envision your New Beginning by writing your goals and dreams in a journal or creating a vision board filled with inspiring images.

Take time this spring to find gratitude for your life, New Beginnings, and the growth you’ve experienced over the past year.  Take this opportunity to start anew, break new ground and blossom.  It’s time to celebrate new life and a hope for New Beginnings!

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